No matter how much you learn, there's still a long way to go...

J P @ThePigeonMaster

Age 32, Male


A nest in Heaven

Joined on 12/26/07

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List of icons that I've made & Icon modship FAQ

Posted by ThePigeonMaster - July 1st, 2010

UPDATE - I'm a genre mod now.
Feel free to ask me about flash genres and ratings, too.

Small FAQ about genre modship can be found here.


Small FAQ about icon modship

Q: What's the purpose of having icon mods?
A: Icon mods originally approved icons at the iconhelpers page, but when Tom announced the redesign, one of the new changes in the website will be the new icon size: 140 x 90. Now icon mods have to CREATE the icons for all the flash without icons AND create new ones for the 46 x 46 to the 140 x 90.

Q: Why icon mods don't have a golden aura?
A: We used to have golden auras but since there are PLENTY of icon mods right now (like 45), it could create confusion in the BBS. We neither can't access to the moderators lounge.
So just don't ask for icon modship in your hopes of getting that shiny aura and the access to the forums, Okay?
You'll never get them, so please deal with it.

Q: How can I be an icon mod?
A: These are the requirements:

1) Create at least 10 QUALITY icons (Besides yours in case you have some flash in your account).
2) PM to Tom with the subject "Icon modding" or "Icon helper" with a link to all the icons you've made and include your email in the body of the message.

Yes, becoming an icon mod is an irony to the question established in the FAQ: how does one become a moderator?

Q: Why are you icon "moderators" if you don't exactly "moderate"?
A: We don't moderate like the forum, review, audio and art mods. In fact, neither of them moderate EXACTLY the same way. They have in common by giving out bans to the users who break out specific rules. But icon mods can actually manipulate every single icon of the flash portal.
But let's imagine if somebody uploads an icon with something very unrelated to the flash, with inappropriate content like porn or hentai (Hentai icons are ONLY allowed if the submission is actually a hentai flash), or with something really disturbing, we just got the power to delete it and put another icon instead of that one.
Fortunately, I haven't seen that case for now :)

Q: What will happen after the icons are done?
A: It's mostly sure most of us will get demodded while a few of the current icon mods will reserve their modships to take care for future flashes. So if you want to be an icon mod you must be aware that you MAY lose your modship after a hard work. But please, ask for icon modship if you really want to contribute to the website. I personally joined to the icon mod team because I want to contribute to the launch of the redesign and specially because I've always loved creating icons. Back in the past when the iconhelpers was an active place, I made more than 100 icons.

Q: Is necessary doing a list of the users that icon mods have done?
A: It's not a must, but sure it's handy to keep on track of the icons we have done.




- Me :P
- Bigfoot3290 (Done all icons, except 2)
- Seamonky
- Kde777
- Hacsev
- dec-1310
- e104joker
- HappyHarry (Done 11 icons)
- hexis.
- bob
- liljim
- FireBlazeProductions
- kiwi-kiwi
- Emanhattan
- mad-dave
- ActiveObjectX
- franouis (I don't recommend you in watching his flash :P)
- DariusR
- visionomud
- SwiftSketcher
- Warrier1
- Ozcar
- Yoshi-1up
- Dan-Dark
- ErnestoGod
- Dagio
- Darkar (Done 23 icons)
- Random-Her03
- Golden-Fox
- lenkobiscuit
- dodgyrommer
- Camron23
- KaynSlamdyke
- AdelPiero
- Frederik77
- SpikeVallentine
- wittyhobos
- The-Nut86
- SevenSeize
- araskin500
- Get-lost
- BlazingGamer
- Katoblade
- RowlandRose
- Frenzy
- PopBrain (Done all, except last 3)
- gumOnShoe
- Regret
- TehBoss
- MaxR
- Dasneviano
- Zero-End
- AfroUnderscoreStud (Done 57 icons)
- peterinns
- Ockeroid
- Breaktroll
- rome-lherison
- scottmale24
- Masako-kun
- 123bee (I did the first 102 and reverend did the rest of them)
- boardermike
- GunBooster
- ZombieLennon
- MajinPiccolo
- lucidrine
- NogginAnimations
- HammerWorks
- Psycosis91
- Harito
- SupraNova
- ShadowWhoWalks
- Matrix-DX
- Hornby
- peixeaquatico
- coderedmedia
- killthemouse
- Darklemur
- Skyemaster


- 100th icon: M is Bad!
- 200th icon: SMB: The Key Grab 2
- 300th icon: Vete a la Versh 13
- 400th icon: |~Enemy In The Snow~|
- 500th icon: House of Clocks
- 600th icon: About Trigger Ethics
- 700th icon: Adolf Hitler:CAI493+D 220
- 800th icon: old thing 06
- 900th icon: Pimp my Ferrari California
- 1000th icon: *Hyperanimation! Pilot


Man, becoming a mod is that easy?

If you're a helpful user in NG then it's easy. That's all.

Remember that becoming a mod it's like sugarloaf's song: "Don't call us, we call you"

Hey, I'm quite busy. Can you do all of my icons? Thanks in advance!

First, upload some flash and then I'll do them for ya :3

DUDE! THANK YOU! :D!!! And I didn't even send you a request! TY!

No problem :)
That's my job, lol.

Flash? I was talking about my Pig Portal submissions.

Oh! You're still a pig moderator? Awesome! :D

Of course I am. Maybe you were confused because I no longer have a gold aura (similarly to how icon mods have normal auras). So yeah, I have double modship (Pig and Icon) on this website, but fortunately still no gold aura :D


OK, I'll do them for ya n.n

bahamut is a loser

I dare you to say it in his face...

...And surviving :P



Whats it like being an icon mod is newgrounds exactly the same or is there like a little secret page on newgrounds just for icon mods?

Exactly the same. Before Tom's post about the new icon format icon mods had the same privileges like the other mods. But there are way too many icon mods and Wade explained he expected to mod like 100 in total. There would be a lot of confusion if every icon mod got a golden aura. After we get done of our duty, more than half of the icon mods will get demodded. I just hope I don't get demodded, I love being an icon mod but if the admins say so then I have no choice.

The only privilege we get is editing every single icon in the flash portal. Even if that flash got already an icon. But we focus on the flash without icons.

Icon mod questions
So are you a temporary icon mod or are you a permanent icon mod?If you do a real good job you might be able to keep your job.
Do you think if you stay as an icon mod you will be rewarded with the gold aura again?
Would you rather be a forum mod or icon mod?
What do you think of my new green hat?It has a propeller on top

"Icon mod questions"

Go on.

"So are you a temporary icon mod or are you a permanent icon mod?If you do a real good job you might be able to keep your job."

I already explained it in your last comment, but if you want a more specific answer, everybody is a temporary icon mod for now and after our duties are done, I'm sure the admins will pick like 1/4 of the mods to keep on track of the future icons. As far as I know.

"Do you think if you stay as an icon mod you will be rewarded with the gold aura again?"

I really don't care a lot about the golden aura, I just love being an icon mod since I have to explore the vast universe of the flash portal, watch some flash, extract an image of them and resize the picture to 140x90 which will be seen by many users around the world. However it would be nice getting back the golden aura as a reward of my hard work.

"Would you rather be a forum mod or icon mod?"

Icon mod. I already explained you why.

"What do you think of my new green hat?It has a propeller on top"

lmao I would love having one of those, Hahaha.

"the admins will pick like 1/4 of the mods to keep on track of the future icons. As far as I know."

Where was this stated? I've yet to hear an official statement on what will happen after our duties are done, hence why I'm clueless as to what they'll do then.

Forgot to explain that it was a "most likely sure" instead of a "will".
But I have to say before the admins started to recruit more icon mods there were less than 10, IIRC.
Now there are like 45 (maybe even more in the future) and since when we finish the hunting there won't be a lot of flash without icons. So I'm pretty sure the number of mods will reduce like in the old days.

Hey, who's going to make the icons for the user that shot himself?

<a href="http://regret.newgrounds.com/flashicons">http://regret.newgrounds.com/flashico ns</a>

I thought somebody else already did those icons.

Shit your getting close to your 1000th icon.

I'm so excited

Wow, you really have created a lot of icons. Congrats, Pigeon. :D

Thanks :)
But I'm one of the slowest paced ones. There are mods who have made 2k icons o_O

Congrats on your 1,000 icons. I think im somewhere at 300 right now. Nice job.


*Insert spartan reference here*

Don't get too wet yet. Moderating is just a hobby.

Giving detailed info about a modship that needs a lot of users right now


using a blog as a moderation history to keep on track on the stuff I made


Feeling superior/the shit/ the greatest user ever :P

Don't mind ScottTowels, he's cool no matter what. :D

Of course he is :P
My response wasn't an attack :)