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J P @ThePigeonMaster

Age 32, Male


A nest in Heaven

Joined on 12/26/07

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Your flash showcased in another website: Good or bad?

Posted by ThePigeonMaster - August 29th, 2009

If you've made good flash movies or games AND you uploaded them to Newgrounds you will probably find in some days later that your OWN work is showcased in another website. This is very very very common, let's face it.

Showcasing a flash in another website is bad (even some times, illegal) IF the uploader didn't get the permission of the original author of that flash, in first place. Some others may allow it and even they will feel honored because their work is showcased in X website.

I can't believe that even my own work is showcased in youtube and at funny-games.biz. Honestly, I didn't know if I should feel honored or upset, those dudes used my work without my permission BUT most of the comments in my movies say that my work is awesome.

I decided to not to care if others use my work to put it in their websites because I'm just a 17 years old teenager that still goes to high school, have a life and that just creates flash movies in his free times just for fun and he doesn't do it for money. Again, I just do it for fun and because I want to give everybody a smile (if they find my sense of humor great, of course).

What do you think about it?


By the way, you like random stuff? check my youtube channel: pigeonmaster77. Seriously, you'll find random stuff there in my vids, favorites and even subscriptions.


I think that's a bad attitude to have. You basically enable people to gain off your work, which tends to lead to unfavorable outcomes.

In today's world if you don't protect your own, you end up as a bitch.

That is me though, I of course mean no offense.

Sir, you're right. But, as I said, creating flash is just a hobby for me. I love playing with flash and I know it's sad that people steal other's work.

And don't worry about what you said at the end, feel free to express yourself, and I totally agree with you.

I agree with how you wrapped up. If it is your hobby you should feel proud that your work is being praised by others to the point that they are showing their own friends via youtube.

I think your kind of right. I think its cool and fine if you just want to make flashes for fun. In my opinion its great if your being showcased on another website as long as they're giving credit to you for making it. If they don't that is illegal like you said. Another thing is some people try to make money of your work which is even worse. If I had a flash that ended upon another website I would asleast email the site owner or something just so they knew I was aware of it, and weren't trying to steal my work.

In the flash games market, flash movies/games are assumed as free game unless otherwise specified. With flash games, you want your work to be distributed as far as possible. So what you are speaking of is good in game terms. Flash movies are a little different, and I think credit for your work would be the main thing you are after (so if you have a credits screen, great :D). Exposure, imo, is always a good thing.

If I find my music on youtube i get mad, but if there is a link to my NG page then i dont care, but I have found 7 of my songs on youtube and not one of them asked to put them there, 4/7 claimed it as there work. THAT Pisses me off a lot. Bit if i get credit and a link i am happy.

as long as credit goes where credit is due

I think it's... good.

well if your intention isnt money then maybe it shouldnt matter much. on the other hand, an artists work should always give the artist credit. Alot of people work really long and hard to make some of thier creations and that being taken without consent could go either way (insult/compliment), but trying to take credit should never be allowed by anyone and im my opinion is one of the biggest insults an artist can receive.

If they claim its theirs, I would feel honored and pissed at the same time.

My flash game Stamper's Quest For Fags has been featured on so many websites it's not funny.

One of the sites was nice enough to delete the user who claimed it as their own.

i would be rather annoyed if someone stole my work like that

i have to agree with summy010, especially when some of them start making money for something YOU made.

I know what are you talking about, I have discovered accounts with my name on it on different websites, which i didn't create. But I don't really care, I think it's even good, because I still have my logo in that game and the ads just get more views :D

You suck at everything and should give up.